Better care for osteoporosis patients from Rüsselsheim

Patients can benefit from DMP

RÜSSELSHEIM, Germany Osteoporosis leads to a pathological decrease in bone density and bone mass. It occurs in many people over the age of 50. Women are affected much more frequently than men. In order to prevent bone fractures caused by osteoporosis, good patient care and early diagnosis are crucial. Prof. Dr med. Dr hc. Christian Wüster, Head of the Hormone and Metabolism Centre, also treats patients from the Rüsselsheim area. He provides information on treatment options and therapy.

How patients with osteoporosis from Rüsselsheim can benefit from DMP as a treatment programme

Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that is associated with an increased risk of fractures. Patients from Rüsselsheim can be enrolled in the Disease Management Programme (DMP) via the Hormone and Metabolism Centre. The aim of the programme is to provide better care and early treatment for patients with osteoporosis. This structured treatment programme helps to provide guideline-based care for patients who are being treated for bone disease with medication. Educating patients about the disease and lifestyle-related factors such as exercise or diet that influence its progression play an important role in this programme.

The patient’s own initiative can have a positive influence on the course of the disease. Women can participate in the DMP from the age of 50 and men from the age of 60. Bone density measurement plays an important role in diagnosing the disease and selecting the appropriate therapy.

Therapeutic options for patients with osteoporosis from Rüsselsheim in the DMP

Patients from Rüsselsheim who suffer from osteoporosis can benefit from the therapeutic options in the DMP. Once the disease and its progression have been diagnosed on the basis of bone density measurements, the doctor can initiate the appropriate treatment. The therapy is selected depending on the patient’s age and concomitant diseases. Drug therapy is specified for women and men. Drug treatment is not always necessary. Non-pharmacological treatment can take the form of a change in diet, functional training, rehabilitation sports and lifestyle-related training. ‘For patients aged 70 and over, the individual risk of falling should also be determined,’ emphasises Prof. Wüster.

Hormon- und Stoffwechselzentrum MVZ GmbH · Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Christian Wüster · Wallstraße 3–7 · 55122 Mainz · Telephone: 06131 58848-0 · Private Patient: 06131 58848-18 · Emergency Phone: 06131 58848-11 · Fax: 06131 58848-48 · E-Mail:
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