KAISERSLAUTERN. Around a quarter of Germans suffer from morbid obesity, technically known as adiposity. People are considered obese if their body mass index is higher than 30 kg / m2. Scientific studies clearly show that above this threshold, the risk of secondary diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems or joint pain increases significantly. However, many obese patients fail to reduce their weight on their own. For Professor Dr Dr h.c. Christian Wüster, who also treats patients from Kaiserslautern at his Hormone and Metabolism Centre, one thing is certain: ‘Obesity is a chronic disease with mostly complex causes. Those affected need long-term, competent medical care based on the latest research.’
In many cases, obesity is caused by a lack of physical activity and a diet high in fat and sugar and generally too high in energy. However, it is not possible to identify such clear causes in all patients. In his practice, Prof Dr Wüster repeatedly treats people who have gained weight due to metabolic or hormonal disorders.
‘Pathological obesity can be due to hypothyroidism, brain tumours or hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, for example,’ explains the expert and recommends: ’If a patient’s obesity cannot be clearly explained by lifestyle, an endocrinological diagnosis should always be made to rule it out.’
Individual cause research is an important first step. This is the only way the treating doctor can design a customised treatment plan. ‘If the obesity is actually due to hormonal causes, the underlying disease must of course be treated accordingly,’ emphasises endocrinologist Prof. Dr Wüster. In addition, patients need long-term support in order to gradually change their lifestyle and thus set the course for weight loss. Prof. Dr. Wüster and his team rely on interdisciplinary programmes that combine findings from nutritional medicine with behavioural therapy measures, exercise and sport. For severely overweight patients with a BMI of more than 40 kg / m2, so-called bariatric surgery is also an option to reduce weight in the long term.